Free Download – Microsoft Money Plus Deluxe Sunset

Update: Microsoft has discontinued this product. You can read more about it on
Back in 2009, I reported that Microsoft was killing off their Microsoft Money product line after ten years of development. I was sorry to see it go but oh well, that’s the way it goes sometimes.
For those of you who are still running an old copy of Microsoft Money, today Microsoft released what appears to be its final version of Microsoft Money called – Microsoft Money Plus Deluxe Sunset. The final copy is a free download over at the Microsoft Download Center. It can be installed as an upgrade to a previous Money install OR installed stand-alone.
According to the release notes, Microsoft is apparently releasing the software because they are turning off the Product Activation and Digital Rights Management services needed to activate older versions of the software. This final Sunset version of Money will ensure no customers find themselves locked out of their money files in the event they need to perform a re-install, etc.
Free? What’s the catch?
No online Quotes or other Banking Services will be supported moving forward. You can however still import Microsoft Money transactions manually from banks. I tested this with my bank Chase, and it worked perfectly.
Here are the details from the release notes:
Microsoft Money products since Money 2007 have utilized a digital rights management system which required users to activate their product at or shortly after setup. Now that the Microsoft Money product line is nearing the end of its supported lifecycle, the activation services will also be ending. To enable users the ability to continue to use Microsoft Money manually, (without online quotes or online banking services), Microsoft is releasing “Money Plus Deluxe Sunset”, and a “Money Plus Home and Business Sunset”. The Sunset skus do not require activation, and come preconfigured with no online services, thus allowing users access to their Microsoft Money data files.
It is recommended that you save this download on to your computer in case you need to reinstall in the future without Internet access. Then Run the installation from that Saved download. Money Plus Dlx Sunset can be installed as an upgrade to retail versions of Money, or stand alone. Before running setup, it is recommended that you make sure you have good backups of all your Money data files, as well as a copy of the setup program of your current version of Money, in case you need to uninstall the Sunset version and revert to your previous version. To install Money Plus Dlx Sunset, just double click on the self-extracting download file, and follow the setup wizard steps.
Microsoft Money Deluxe Sunset Download Link
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May 7, 2010 at 5:00 pm
this is pretty sweet. Just posted it on
Penelope Dempster
January 26, 2022 at 8:24 am
If I download Money Plus Deluxe will I be able to read my Money Data files. My PC has crashed and all I have left are my data files. I live in South Africa.
Steve Krause
January 26, 2022 at 10:41 am
Hi Penelope,
It should work yes. That was the idea around Microsoft releasing this final version.