According to the LA Times Hulu is planning to start up a new subscription service they will call “Hulu Plus.” The hopeful scenario is that Hulu Plus won’t change anything for already existing free content, but the idea is to include additional content that will only be available to subscribers.
Currently, you can watch a decent variety of shows on Hulu, featuring shows from both public networks like ABC, NBC, and Fox to networks on paid cable channels like USA and Sci-Fi. Recently aired shows will display the previous five trailing episodes, and some of the older shows which aired years ago will stream an entire season at a time. With the increased revenue from a paid business model, Hulu hopes to increase the number of trailing episodes, as well as enhance the variety of shows offered on the website. Perhaps we will see some HBO exclusives?
How much will a Hulu premium paid account cost?
The most recent news is that the plan will cost $9.95 per month. It has yet to be determined if premium accounts will have ads removed, but it isn’t likely. Personally, I can’t say I agree with the new plan to monetize Hulu with consumer subscribers. Especially when you have Netflix who offers not only streaming of movies and TV but also the delivery of DVDs and Blueray movies. AND don’t forget that unlike Hulu, Netflix comes built-in to pretty much everything from the XBOX 360 to Blueray players.
So, if it comes down to a battle between Hulu and Netflix, I’d hold onto your NFLX shares if I were you. ;
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April 25, 2010 at 9:41 am
I’m really hoping they don’t take away some of the free services which they already offer. I think that I would pay $10 a month for the premium service if it meant access to the entire season of episodes as well as more shows.
I can’t imagine Hulu ever having HBO shows but maybe more movies and a mobile app or PS3 support would pull me in.
April 25, 2010 at 1:10 pm
We will have to wait and see what stays and what goes with the free vs. subscription service. I have to imagine they are making “some” cash with the ad supported system they have now so hopefully they don’t completely strip the service!
Now that would be interesting… HBO or Showtime and other good cable content on HULU….. I think $10 subscription at that point might just be worth it at that point.
November 30, 2010 at 1:09 pm
if hbo and showtime etc. are charging $15 a month (time warner prices) then how could hulu get away with charging $10..i don’t see that happening anytime soon. this is a reply to mr. groove.
November 30, 2010 at 4:20 pm
@Voxpop – Well… I think your right however I also think it’s all about finding a different Audience for the same product. Change the same product a bit, offer it a different way and boom – you have more revenue for the same old product. Case and point is those new cheese sticks you can buy in “kid” packs. It’s still the same cheese that’s been in the Dairy aisle however, they changed the packaging a bit, changed the price and BOOM, massive revenue growth with only minimal impact to legacy revenue from the big cheese bricks.
Honestly however I don’t think it will matter anyway – Google will soon take over with YouTube anyway and put everyone else out of bizness. ;)
November 30, 2010 at 10:47 pm
they seem to be doing that or at least they are on their way with every other program they have come that is.they are an incredible group of people.