Microsoft Groove Music Now Available On All Mobile Platforms

Microsoft rebranded its Xbox Music service to coincide with the Windows 10 launch, and now it’s available on all major mobile platforms, including iOS.
Microsoft rebranded its Xbox Music service to Groove Music with the release of Windows 10. Microsoft has been rebranding and rolling out its music service across mobile device platforms, and this week, the last major mobile platform has been added, iOS and includes the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Microsoft Groove Music iOS
If you don’t have automatic updates enabled for apps on your iOS device, just go launch the App Store and you’ll find the update.
It works a lot like Xbox Music did, but with a huge additional feature. You can add your music files to your OneDrive — which is a feature Microsoft added to OneDrive earlier this year. Then those songs will appear as part of your collection, and you don’t need a Groove Music pass to use it.

Microsoft Groove Music is now available on iOS
Here’s a look the updates according to the iTunes page:
• You no longer need Groove Music Pass to use the app! (Certain features still require it)
• New app name and design
• Music in your OneDrive music folder now appears as part of your collection
• In addition to playlists, you can now download individual songs and albums for offline use
• Filter your music to see just what’s available offline
• Various bug fixes
Groove Music on All Major Mobile Platforms
No matter what you think about the name “Groove Music” (I wish it was just Microsoft Music), it has come a long way since the days of Windows 8 and called Xbox Music.

Microsoft Groove Music on Android
It’s available on all major mobile platforms including Android, Windows Phone, and now iOS. It also works on Xbox One and 360 and on the web. Just download the app on your device(s) and your music collection from OneDrive, streaming music (with a Groove Music pass) will all be in sync.

Microsoft Groove Music web interface
Update: 6/9/2015: As our reader, Adam pointed out in the comments, Groove Music isn’t available on BlackBerry or Kindle Fire products. But is available on the most used major mobile platforms.
For more on learning how to use Groove Music, check out one of the articles linked below…and more are definitely on the way.
Pin Groove Music Playlists to Start Menu
Transfer iTunes Playlists to Groove Music
What do you think of Microsoft’s rebranded music service? Let us know in the comment section below.
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August 4, 2015 at 8:00 am
Brian – it’s not available on BlackBerry, so it’s not quite right to say it’s on all mobile platforms…
August 5, 2015 at 3:41 pm
I expected responses here so I better add one. Could have called it M&M (Microsoft and Music). Groove is a good name but confuses me with a former product. Definitely the best thing about the upgrade is an ability to load to OneDrive and play everywhere. I don’t know if I noticed before but this new app allows me to sign in as another user. Handy when you have another account storing all your music. I have been looking forward to all of this! Thanks for this post Brian, it was very timely for gaining a jumpstart on new features.
Michael Collier
August 5, 2015 at 11:05 pm
I think Microsoft has done a nice job with Groove, however, I think they need a more fully featured iPad version. It should not be the same as the iPhone/iPod version. It should have the ability to function more like the Windows version with explore, etc.
Bob Slipper
August 16, 2015 at 3:03 am
I like it but they could have made better use of the art-work (album covers etc) to give it a more attractive look whilst playing. Also, and this is a biggie, they need to get the lyrics (where available) in there with the option to display them. (So I can sing along ehen I’m in a good mood and clear some space for myself).
Erik van Vliet
November 5, 2015 at 12:24 am
There’s still a long way to go.
We need a Groove App for most media players, like Roku and Plex.
April 5, 2016 at 4:48 am
well i’m totally confused. Can’t get music out of Groove into ipod or itunes or anywhere i can play it without having my windows 10 desktop running. I hate windows 10 because of the absolute complexity for someone like me who is not so computer savvy and knew XP so well by comparison.
Who really wants to spend mega hours searching for answers as to how to use this forced upgrade? I’m over it and almost ready to go into debt buying a mac.
There’s more to life than effing around trying to work out how to work computers…give me something that is simple….please!!!
June 28, 2021 at 3:10 pm
There needs to be a way to sync a peripheral device (phone, iPad, etc.) without having to sign into one drive. With the many security breaches lately, not many people will just trust it without questions.