
How To Customize Spotlight Search Results in iOS

Spotlight in iOS is a great way to find anything on your device. You can customize the way spotlight searches results. Here’s how.

Customize iOS Spotlight Search Results

On you iDevice, go to Settings >> General then tap Spotlight Search.


Now tap and hold the lists button. Move the search categories in the order you want searched first. Moving a category to the top will make it priority and down from there.
Categories iPad

When you use Spotlight Search, as you type in your query, it will search the categories in the order you chose. In this example I put Applications to the top.

spotlight iPad

This tip works on the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.

Spotlight iPod touchSpotlight Categories iPod

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Gina Smith

    December 2, 2011 at 12:02 am

    As usual, great stuff Brian. I actually needed to know it, too! Synchronicity. gs

    I’m starting with Gina Smith. Check it out. AND loves that groovy tech mojo : )

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