How to Turn Off Instagram Read Receipts

Want to read a message on Instagram without alerting the sender? You can stop Instagram read receipts using this guide.
When you send a direct message to another user on Instagram, the social media network typically sends you a read receipt. When you open the app, you’ll be able to see a notification that they’ve read your message when you open up the conversation. Quite frankly, I often don’t want people to know exactly when I’ve read their DM, since I might want to take some time to reply. Fortunately, Meta has given Instagram users the option to turn off read receipts. Here’s how to do it.
If you want to disable read receipts completely on Instagram, follow these steps. If you’d rather not turn off read receipts, but still want to have some control over when they’re sent, you just have to be careful about notifications. You see, when you get a message notification from Instagram nd tap it, the app immediately sends a read receipt. To avoid accidentally tapping message notifications, you can disable your Instagram message notifications using these steps. Now that Instagram has implemented a proper way to turn off read receipts, we don’t need the workarounds we once used. To be sure we didn’t accidentally send a read receipt on Instagram we were forced to disable Wi-Fi and put our devices in Airplane mode. Or, we had to turn off notifications and hope for the best.How to Turn Off Read Receipts on Instagram
How to Turn Off Instagram Message Notifications
Stopping Instagram Read Receipts
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