An All New Look at

Hello everyone!
Change is hard, but I’m excited about all the benefits I already see from the change. For example, with the newly optimized codebase for the website, average page load time has gone from 4 seconds-per-page to 2 seconds! Also, getting lost in our amazing content is even easier now with the addition of infinity scroll — a process which auto-loads a new article as you reach the end of the one you’re currently reading.
I’m still making tweaks and changes to the site as I want to make things just perfect for you my readers. So if you have any feedback about a tweak I can make to make things even better, please leave a comment below by clicking the “Click to Comment” button at the bottom of this blog post.
As always, thanks for reading and I’ll see you on the site!
Steve Krause
groovyPost Founder & Editor
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November 5, 2017 at 7:52 pm
Great to see the changes made here at groovyPost, Steve and the team. A little overwhelmed to start with as there are heaps of things to choose from. The hamburger feature is a welcome addition as are the how to guides, reviews, and quick tips and the like. For an old bugger from down-under I’ll plough through until the new suit fits snugly as me old one – but I must say I like the Ferrari feel and speed of the new site. Good luck and keep up the great work…
Steve Krause
November 7, 2017 at 10:37 am
As one of our most active readers, I was wondering what feedback I was going to hear from you. I’m really glad you like it. The old site was great but dated for sure. ;)
I also agree – the new design is a bit more “busy” vs. the old design. I’m glad to hear you’re looking around and getting used to the new feel tho. The new code gives me A LOT more options for making our content POP while at the same time. That said, keep the feedback coming in. I’m still moving around boxes here and there and figuring out how to lay things out to keep the site as clean and simple as possible. For example, I’ll be moving the comments around a bit. Let me know what you think in a few days. ;)
November 13, 2017 at 9:12 pm
@Steve:- a couple of days later and, yeah, all still going pretty well with the new site. Might need a TomTom though as navigating from one article to another is taking me on a merry old ride all over the place, but bookmarking my favorites is lessening the burden. No chance of a contents page/sitemap? Yes, I know old hat! And with the comments, a date of when the comment was made would help as I don’t know whether I’m responding to a comment that was written eons ago. None-the-less, back into the Ferrari to continue with my fun ride around groovyPost. Keep those articles coming… Oops, just backed into an old Ford Model T.
Andre Da Costa
November 6, 2017 at 3:40 am
Love the new design, very fast, modern and easy to navigate.
November 6, 2017 at 7:08 am
Congratulations!The new site is amazing
November 6, 2017 at 10:48 am
You guys do great work that’s much appreciated. Keep it up!
November 6, 2017 at 2:14 pm
Loveitloveitloveit!!! :D
Steve Krause
November 7, 2017 at 10:46 am
Thanks for the feedback. Glad you’re enjoying the new look.
Paul Newton
November 8, 2017 at 2:56 pm
Sorry, but I preferred the old site, it was very simple and easy to use. The latest posts were always at the top, now I need to scroll down and it is not obvious where they are. Change is good, but so is simplicity sometimes. Please move the latest posts to the top and I will be a happy bunny again.. still great content though.
Steve Krause
November 8, 2017 at 8:53 pm
Hi Paul – I understand 100%. It can take a bit to get used to the new stuff… and the Home Page is pretty busy and different that it was original. The good news is, all the new content is still here. You can find it on the home page, left side under LATEST ARTICLES.
Here’s a screenshot for ya:
Thanks for giving the new site a shot. Hope to see you in the comments with more feedback and conversation!