Making Microsoft Edge your default browser for some file types is a bit of a hassle on Windows 11. Here’s how to do it.
When you first get Windows 11 set up, you will notice that the default browser is Microsoft Edge. This is a new version of the browser that’s based on Goggle’s Chromium code. It is a more versatile version of the browser and can be updated more regularly. You don’t need to wait for OS Updates to get browser updates. And, since it is built on Chromium, it runs Google Chrome browsers and has a Kid’s Mode to help you with parenting while using the computer.
And now, when you install Windows 11, Microsoft makes the new Edge the default browser. This may seem all well and good if you want to use Microsoft products and services exclusively. But you might have a favorite browser you’ve been using for years like Firefox and/or Google Chrome. If you fall into that boat, here’s how to set your browser to anything you want on Windows 11.
Set Default Browser on Windows 11
To get started, go to Start > Settings > Apps. Then on the right column, click on Default Apps from the list.
Now, select the browser you want to use as the default on Windows 11. Note that only the browsers you have installed will be an available option. To find a browser more easily, type in the search term of the browser you want. For example, I am using Google Chrome.
Next, under the options for Chrome, click on the “Switch away” option. And then, from the box that comes up, click on Google Chrome.
Now, on the next screen, click on the .htm, and from the box that appears, click on Google Chrome – or the browser you want as the default.
A reminder message will come up urging you to use Microsoft Edge. Just ignore it and click the “Switch anyway” link.
That’s all there is to it. Note that you need to follow the same steps for each file type – i.e., PDF, Webp, HTML, and others.
Note: Keep in mind that this is written while the first version of the Windows 11 beta was released. Also, you can make Edge the default by going to:
Then make the browser the default. However, if you follow the same option on the browsers, you’ll be directed to the “Default apps” page we just covered.
Hopefully, by the time the final version is released, making Edge (or another browser) the default will be easier. And in the meantime, if you’re a Start menu user, read how to find apps alphabetically by the first letter.
mikeawn viznet
July 11, 2021 at 12:29 pm
imagine doing that manually pointing 900 different extensions to just open with one software in particular for 5 different type of files.
mikeawn viznet
July 11, 2021 at 12:29 pm
imagine doing that manually pointing 900 different extensions to just open with one software in particular for 5 different type of files.
Phillip Krause
July 21, 2021 at 8:36 am
Hi Brian,
Looks like Microsoft Internet Explorer is disabled by default. Have you discovered any way to completely uninstall Internet Explorer?
Brian Burgess
July 21, 2021 at 9:09 am
You can remove IE 11 from Win 10 using the following instructions:
That doesn’t “technically uninstall it” but no worries as MSFT is going to get rid of it for you next year on June 15th: