groovyPremium FAQ

This is the FAQ (frequently asked questions) page for groovyPremium membership.

Why groovyPremium? Why not use more ads instead?

We don’t like ads any more than you do… Ads are a distraction, and honestly, they have never covered all the costs of the site.

What is the money used for?

All revenue from our membership/subscription program is used exclusively in support of the site. This includes our monthly server, hosting and software costs as well as paying all our writers.

What are all of the groovyPremium benefits?

We’ve listed out all of the benefits of membership on the subscription page. However, we plan to continue developing new features and add-on’s overtime to provide the best experience possible for our readers. As we develop these new features and benefits, we will update our readers in the private forum and via email.

How does billing occur?

To ensure the highest level of security and simplicity, all payments are electronic and can be made via Credit Card or Paypal.

What happens if I cancel my account?

Cancel anytime from the My Account page. Although your re-occurring billing will be canceled, you will continue to receive all the premium benefits through the end of your subscription term.

Can I buy a subscription as a gift?

We don’t yet have any easy way to do this short of logging into someone’s account and then using your PayPal to set them up. We will, however, be adding a gift card/code system shortly. That said, feel free to use the contact page to set up a gift for a friend or family member and gP will process it manually for you.

I purchased a subscription, but I still see ads, what can I do?

Verify that you’ve received confirmation through PayPal that your account is active and paid. You can do this from your My Account page or from your Paypal account. If it appears the payment went through, please send us an email to and we’ll fix it ASAP!

How do I manage my subscription?

Your subscription can be managed from the My Account page.

Any other questions?

Please email support or ask away in the member’s lounge!

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