Could Loki Really Become a Hero?

In the second episode of Loki, we see the possibility of the villain truly becoming a hero.
We’re back with another look at Loki, season two. In the second episode of the series, titled “Breaking Brad,” Loki shows that his past trials have definitely changed him. It looks like the God of Mischief’s change is definitely for the better. During Mobius’s tense interrogation of Hunter X-5, Loki shocks us all. He actually keeps his cool. Then, he sets out to console his friend with a tale from a regrettable incident in another timeline. Could this signify the Asgardian deity moving not just from villain to antihero but so far as a full-blown hero?
As with last week’s column, spoilers lie ahead, so if you haven’t watched the episode yet, you may want to bookmark this for later reading.
Picking Up on an Already Strong Start
The premiere resumed from where Season 1 left off, following the dramatic introduction of He Who Remains in the season finale. It wasted no time in amping up the stakes. We saw more complications in Loki and a dramatic uptick in the TVA’s list of crises. However, thanks to O.B.’s assistance, Loki’s time-slipping problem was resolved. This allowed the “Variant” and Mobius to focus on their primary task in Episode 2: locating Sylvie.
In “Breaking Brad,” this pursuit begins with tracking down Hunter X-5, who has been eluding the reformed TVA on the Sacred Timeline in 1977. After some detective work, they discover that he has reinvented himself as an actor named Brad Wolfe, and their plan is to ambush him at the London premiere of his latest film, “Zaniac.”
This scenario is a nod to the character’s comic book origins. In the pages of the comics, Wolfe was possessed by a parasitic demon from the Dark Dimension while filming a slasher movie. We see a significant portion of runtime introducing X-5 properly, providing a key to locating Sylvie in Broxton, Oklahoma.

Photo by Gareth Gatrell. © 2023 MARVEL.
Of course, that key doesn’t come to light easily.
Recalling (and Apparently Regretting) the Past
Loki and Mobius have to poke, prod, provoke, and eventually threaten X-5 with a perilous end to get the information on Sylvie’s whereabouts. During this process, we see Loki doing very uncharacteristic things in a quite uncharacteristic manner.

Photo by Gareth Gatrell. © 2023 MARVEL.
After Mobius completely loses his temper to X-5’s taunts, it falls on Loki to try consoling the TVA agent over a slice of key lime pie.
“Remember that time I was so furious with my father and brother that I descended to Earth, holding New York City hostage with an alien army?” Loki reflects. “I attempted to wield the Mind Stone on Tony Stark, and when it failed, I threw him off a building! I must admit, it wasn’t the most tactful move. Emotions can indeed overpower us at times.”
This narrative playfully recalls a scene from The Avengers. Beyond that, though, the way Loki recounts it demonstrates a level of newfound self-awareness. Many, including X-5, insist the antihero is incapable of such change. The story also highlights the considerable gap between the villain he once was and what he seems to be transforming into.
The second episode of the new season effectively serves as a reminder of Loki’s progress. Yes, we see glimpses of Loki’s malevolent past, but we also see him fighting to safeguard the entire multiverse.
Loki’s Transformation from Villain to Hero
A multi-season TV series offers the opportunity to explore character development over time, and Loki’s journey from villain to hero is a compelling one. Tom Hiddleston, who plays Loki, highlights the character’s search for meaning throughout his tumultuous journey in the MCU.
The God of Mischief has now found a sense of purpose. He’s aiming to reorganize and assist the TVA, demonstrating a capacity for empathy and care. According to Tom Hiddleston, this sense of purpose is something the character has always been searching for.
Even when he wasn’t aware of it, he was full of grievance and anger and emotional destabilization because he didn’t feel he had purpose or meaning. He was looking for meaning in the wrong places and now I think he’s found a way of giving himself purpose, which is to try to reorganize, to help Mobius and Hunter B-15 and the TVA.
However, “Breaking Brad” also reveals glimpses of Loki’s checkered past, showing that he still carries remnants of his villainous nature.
His interactions with X-5 and his methods of pursuing his enemies showcase his complex character. The episode effectively questions the extent of Loki’s transformation and his potential for redemption.
Together Again, the Dual Gods of Mischief
The long-anticipated reunion between Sylvie and Loki depicts them as multiversal counterparts still at odds with each other following their tense meeting with He Who Remains.
Loki has embraced his role as a TVA employee, while Sylvie has settled into a life working at a McDonald’s. With all the possibilities at her disposal through a Time Door, the fact that Sylvie chose a menial job at a fast food icon seems to show a weariness of strife.
The divide between them widens further as Loki believes in the necessity of the TVA’s existence, while Sylvie clings to her decision to free everyone from the misguided time cops.

Photo by Gareth Gatrell. © 2023 MARVEL.
While Sylvie, of course, doesn’t yet know that Loki’s efforts have led the TVA to stop pruning timelines, that lack of knowledge turns out to be tragically unimportant.
Sylvie’s character, known for her complexity, could benefit from more exploration, especially given her significance in the first season. As she holds He Who Remains’s TemPad, we anticipate further revelations and character development in the upcoming episodes.
Mobius’s Enigmatic Past
Mobius’s past life remains a mystery, and “Breaking Brad” reminds us that he is reluctant to delve into his own history. X-5’s observations about Mobius’s potential past life disrupt his composed demeanor, leading to a thought-provoking exploration of his character.
As Loki attempts to understand Mobius’s reluctance, we gain insights into his personality and his fear of confronting his past. Mobius’s character remains enigmatic, but the episode hints at the possibility of change in the future.
Those in Power Often Refuse to Give Up That Power
While B-15, Loki, and Mobius seemingly stopped the TVA from ending so many lives by pruning timelines, that respite proves to be incredibly short-lived.

Photo by Gareth Gatrell. © 2023 MARVEL.
See, X-5 reveals General Dox’s plans to prune the branching timelines. This forces Sylvie to reluctantly team up with Loki and Mobius. Together, they manage to subdue Dox and her loyalists, though not in time to prevent the eradication of entire branches, resulting in the deaths of billions.
The episode ends on a somber note, highlighting the cost of the TVA’s cosmic failure, while Sylvie remains unimpressed by the organization’s reluctance to change.
The emotional impact of this moment is somewhat diminished, perhaps because the TVA has a history of committing such atrocities. The organization’s shift toward change only occurred after its workers discovered their own variant status and the value of the lives they had erased from history.
Somber Thoughts on Mistakes Made Suggest an Enlightening Second Season
Of course, the situation could have been avoided if B-15 had acted more decisively in the previous episode when Dox and her followers left the TVA with suspicious equipment.
Nonetheless, “Breaking Brad” continues the strong start to Season 2. The series excels in exploring the dynamic between Loki and Mobius, their witty buddy-cop routine being a consistent highlight.
While the show maintains its fast pace within a limited six-episode narrative, it still manages to delve into its protagonist’s evolving motives and state of mind. However, a deeper exploration of supporting characters like Sylvie and B-15 would enhance the overall narrative.
There’s plenty to look forward to, clearly. Episode 2 narrowed its focus on locating Sylvie while setting the stage for the season’s overarching plot. O.B. continues to unravel the consequences of the TVA’s Temporal Loom crisis.
This problem, we learn, can only be resolved with the return of Miss Minutes, who’s missing, or He Who Remains, who’s dead. Meanwhile, Casey’s discovery of Ravonna Renslayer’s whereabouts teases the return of a notable antagonist.
With four episodes left in the season, “Loki” continues to build its narrative, leaving us eager to see how these characters evolve and where the story leads. Hopefully, it will give us a satisfactory resolution to most of these concerns in the short time left.
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