
Facebook Adds new Privacy Features to Posts Tagging and Photos

New Facebook Privacy Controls

Back on Aug. 23rd, Facebook announced it was adding some improvements to privacy and how you post updates and photos to your Facebook account.  Amount the updates (as shown above) is the ability to Mark WHO is with you, WHERE you are and HOW you want to share your updates (and photos and videos).

The sharing portion of the new update appears to be taken directly from the Google+ Service.  Basically after you write your update, Click the Share button to determine WHO your going to share the update with.

Facebook Privacy Limit who your share with

Clicking on Custom when sharing will give you even more granular control such as allowing you to send the Update or Photo to a specific person(s) or Network.  You can also restrict specific people from getting the update as well.

Custom Privacy Sharing for Facebook Updates and Photos

And if you go into your Privacy Settings, you can also set the defaults for all messages you share to save a little time.

Facebook Privacy Settings MenuSet Default Facebook Privacy Settings

Included in the updates is also a new interface for controlling how Tags Work on Facebook allowing you to control what happens when friends tag you or your content on Facebook.  This is configured from the Privacy Settings Page.

Facebook Privacy - Configure how tags work

In a later groovyPost, I’ll review each of these screens and give more in depth how-to review for each of these.

Facebook Privacy Settings Tags

All in all, I view ALL the new updates as a VERY positive step and an obvious step by Facebook to stay relevant and competitive against it’s new chief rival, Google+.



  1. shockersh

    August 31, 2011 at 11:20 am

    All good stuff however I don’t use Facebook. Deleted my account a long time ago due to the terms of service.

    That being said, this looks like a positive step forward.

    Google Copies Facebook with Google+, Facebook copies Google+ with the circle sharing. Nice ;)

    • MrGroove

      August 31, 2011 at 11:23 am

      Yes, it’s not hard to see who copied who but that’s technology. From a privacy standpoint I agree, it’s a very positive step in the right direction however the people still need to understand the Terms. That’s a good topic for a future post.

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