Sick of Slow Browsers? Microsoft Edge to Load 42% Faster

Are you tired of slow web browsers? The good news is that Microsoft Edge will soon get a 42% speed boost. Here’s what you need to know.
Microsoft continues to improve its Edge web browser. The company has added new features like checking Internet speed, using ChatGPT for free, and limiting RAM usage. While “browser bloat” is real, Microsoft boasts its Edge performance will take a giant leap and load up to 42% faster.
The company announced the changes in a recent blog post. The improvements to the browser allow for faster loading, and the menu will also be 76% faster on PCs without an SSD or less than 8GB of RAM. Yes, you read that right!
This is welcome news for users of older PCs. You won’t need a super-fast (and expensive) NVMe SSD to enjoy the boosted Edge experience.
Microsoft is recoding many UI elements as part of its self-named “WebUI 2.0” architecture. It’s working to make Edge’s UI more responsive, starting with the Browser Essentials menu. That’s where you access power efficiency mode, safety, Edge VPN, and other features.
In addition to the benefits above, Microsoft has given Edge’s Favorites menu a speed boost starting with build 124, making it “40%” faster than earlier versions.
It’s also worth mentioning that the company says Edge’s history, downloads, and wallet features will eventually get updates with its WebUI 2.0 coding project.
The company noted that its WebUI 1.0, developed for many of Edge’s components, uses bundles of code that are “too large.” WebUI 2.0 decreases the size of the code bundles and uses a more modular architecture.
Currently, most of the default browser elements are basically embedded web pages. This includes things like the new tab page, sidebars (which I’d be happy to see Microsoft remove), the settings page, and other browser UI aspects. Like other pages or apps, this can cause load times to suffer. So, the new coding should reduce load times and provide a faster experience.
I am certainly looking forward to a bump in speed for Microsoft Edge. While there are arguably better browsers, I tend to use Microsoft products (including Edge) as a Windows user. And I am not afraid to criticize features and other products I don’t like. Still, this is welcome news for Edge users. Even if you only use Edge to download Chrome, that experience will be faster.
For additional details, check out the following video from Microsoft. Or, join us in our free forums for further discussion. Please tell us what you think of Edge and whether the speed enhancements will benefit you.
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